Speaking Engagements

Schwartz Speaking Topics

  • Topic: Finding Peace in Your Practice
    • Plan
    • Execute
    • Assess the Situation
    • Completing Tasks
    • Evaluate What's Working
  • Topic: Dialogue Your Way to Success
    • Wants vs. Needs
    • Learn What to Ask
  • Topic: Common Denominator of Successful Practices
  • Topic: Office Image - What does yours say about you
  • Topic: Not Ready to Retire
    • Get Your Practice Back on Track
    • Prepare Your Practice for Transition (3-5 years)
  • Topic: Winning, Losing, or Don't Know The Score - Goal setting and accountability
  • Topic: General Dentistry 101 - All the business systems for a successful practice
  • Topic: Straighten Up and Talk Right - Learn to communicate more effectively with your patients

Download Kelly's Speaking Packet (PDF) | Download Kelly's Speaking Résumé (PDF)

Kelly Schwartz of Schwartz Consulting Group, Inc., has consulted with numerous dental practices during his career as a practice management consultant, with inspiring results. In addition, Mr. Schwartz also provides customized lectures and training programs for study clubs, universities, state and local dental associations, and national dental conventions. Mr. Schwartz is known for his composed, instructive, and appealing speaking method. He has had the immense honor to present programs at such influential meetings as:

  • University of North Carolina Chapel Hill School of Dentistry
  • Nova Southeastern School of Dentistry
  • Indiana University School of Dentistry
  • Ohio State Post College Assembly
  • Michigan Dental Association Spring Session
  • Resort District Dental Society
  • Vacationland Society
  • Alpena Study Club
  • DH Baker Dental Laboratory
  • Traverse City Implant Study Club
  • TC - Seattle Study Club
  • Indiana Alpha Omega Study Club
  • Indianapolis East Side Study Club
  • Davis & Davis Dental Business Forum
  • Greater Indianapolis Dental Implant Study Club
  • Chicago Midwinter Table Clinics
  • Michigan Orthodontics Study Club
  • Somer Dental Lab
  • Dental Dozen Raleigh Durham
  • South Oakland Study Club
  • The Consulting Network Speaking Circuit
  • Oakland Oral Surgery Study Club
  • Jackson Oral Surgery Study Club
  • USDGA Palm Springs & Phoenix
  • Blair, McGill, and Hill Seminar - St. Thomas Virgin Islands
  • MDGA Michigan
  • Young Dentist Study Club of Grand Rapids
  • Battle Creek Family Health Services
  • Kalamazoo Valley District Dental Society
  • Northland Dental Study Club
  • South Central District Dental Hygienists Society
  • South Carolina Dental Group, Drs. Beall & Banik
  • Jackson County Dental Hygienists Society
  • Patterson Dental Design Team Seminar
  • American Academy of Dental CPAs
  • Charles Blair and Associates - Profits plus seminars
  • Young Guns Study Club, Charleston, South Carolina
  • Sirona Corporation - North Carolina
  • Zimmer and Boltz CPA Study Club
  • East Side Study Club, Cincinnati
  • Columbia, South Carolina Study Club
  • Isothermal Dental Society North Carolina

These are just a few of the meetings Mr. Schwartz has been honored to speak for.

If you are interested in having Mr. Schwartz speak at your next meeting or event, please contact Schwartz Consulting Group, Inc., today for more information.

Download Kelly's Speaking Packet (PDF) | Download Kelly's Speaking Résumé (PDF)